
Each week we gather to worship together. However, we are called to live lives of worship. As we gather we realize that worship is more than a song. Yes, we are often drawn into God's presence through just the right song. But we also worship through the study of God's Word. We worship through prayer. We worship through our remembrance of the sacrifice Jesus made as we partake of the Lord's Supper each week.

We worship through the giving of our tithes and offerings back to the one who gives us everything. We worship as we serve one another, whether as a greeter, a teacher, a member of the band or as a friendly face who welcomes a first time guest. We worship as we leave the gathering and share the love and grace of Jesus with those that do not yet know Him. God has given us a heart that can only be filled when we worship Him.

God has given us a heart that can only be filled when we worship Him If this is where God is calling you to volunteer please reach out to Pastor David and he would love to talk with you about that opportunity.




Children’s and Family